0 The shaman's journey to the other world. 1 Once upon a time, when the earth was created, there lived an old man called wiŕīŕe serodeta. 2 He had two wives. 3 wiŕīŕe once said: "My two wives, an iron wire will descend from the sky tomorrow. On this iron wire we will climb to the sky." 4 Then in the morning an iron wire did indeed descend from the sky. 5 Then wiŕīŕe said to his wives: "Now get dressed in white clothes, then we will set forth, our celestial Father God is calling for us." 6 Then they climbed up on the iron wire. 7 When he arrived between the two countries on the iron wire, he suddenly stopped. 8 Then wiŕīŕe began to speak, he said: "Well, may your mouth speak fast, whose clothes are dirty?" 9 Then his younger wife said: "I've recently started to sew a dirty ribbon border for a jacket." 10 Then the iron wire snapped in front of his younger wife's hands, his younger wife fell to the ground. 11 The place where his younger wife fell can still be seen even now, she sits as a grass hill there. 12 wiŕīŕe now comes and goes among the storm spirits living above. 13 wiŕīŕe said to the shamans: the storm spirits living above have one hand, one leg, one eye. 14 Now in their thunder they go to battle against the bull from the north. 15 They can not kill the bull of the north, their arrows fall hissing under the water. 16 The bull of the north sends water in return against the storm spirits. 17 When the storm spirits fall behind, when he (this is the bull of the north) chases the north wind with water, they slide as thin clouds above their warm country. 18 If the bull of the north succumbs, the storm spirits living above send down warm weather to us. 19 The year is a bad year, there is disease.