0 Tale. 1 When the earth was created, our land was full of evil spirits. 2 The real people couldn't walk along the land's ridges above, they always lived in burrows in the ground. 3 Once there lived Joompu who was raised by an old man. 4 Their tent stood on the incline of a headland. 5 Once Joompu sees: an Old Giantdemon walks towards their tent. 6 Then Joompu jumped out naked, took his sleigh, climbed up the hill, after which he began to slide down, [and] he arrived next to the Old Giantdemon. 7 At this Joompu said: "Hey, Joompu's sleigh, stop! We arrived next to your grandfather." 8 Then Joompu's sleigh stopped here. 9 The Old Giantdemon said: "Oho, oho, your sleigh is very good. How can it go by itself?" 10 The grandfather said: "Sell your sleigh, I'll buy it." 11 Then Joompu said: "Hey, grandfather, I'll give it to you for free. Take it on a day's journey, but leave your clothes here, you won't freeze to death without clothes anyway, I have travelled for half a day without any clothes in this huge land of yours." 12 Then the Old Giantdemon took off his clothes, [and] went on his way. 13 As he went like that, his body was like snow. 14 Then he said: "I feel like I am freezing." 15 Then he sat into his sleigh, he says: "Joompu's sleigh, hopp, hopp! I'm really cold!" 16 Then Jompuu's sleigh doesn't want to go anywhere. 17 The Old Giantdemon died at the place where he froze. 18 At that Joompu said: 19 It is a shitty way, the way I killed you. 20 Then he took care of his grandmother. 21 He became the great Jawmal.