0 Holy legend. 1 When the earth was created, there was nothing. 2 There was no sun, it was dark. 3 There were only two men with their wives. 4 One of them had a daughter, the other had a son. 5 They may have lived like this for a long or a short time, one day one of the men said: "Hey, comrade, it's bad to live like this. How will our people, the people living on the earth, live in darkness from now on? Let us send away our children away, your daughter will become the sun, and I'll send my son away as the moon. Now, before their departure, they must be dressed in fine clothes." 6 Then the other said: "Indeed, it will be good like that. Because how will we live for long in darkness?" 7 Then their wives said: "Of course, we would send them away (but) how shall we send them, since it's it is in such a distant place, very high up." 8 Then they said: "num will guide them somehow." 9 Then as they spoke like that, a man from outside entered the tent, he said: "Young people, what did you say, what did you discuss?" 10 They said: "No, we haven't said anything big. We want to send away our children since we can't live long on the dark Earth, from now on how will our people, who live on the earth, live in darkness?" 11 Then the man said: "Hey, what is the problem here, I'll send them away at once!" 12 Then the man said: "Well, let them go out!" 13 Then they led the children out. 14 The man blew on them once, the children flew up in form of larks. 15 Then they went to sleep. 16 In the morning, when they had rose, there was such sunlight that every dust of the earth, everything is visible. 17 Then in the evening there was moonlight, light could be seen again. 18 After living for some time, they said: "Now our children have married there, the moon has become a man, the sun has become a woman." 19 While they were living like that, they said: "Let us look for a shaman, who can investigate how our children are living!" 20 Then they began looking for a shaman. 21 They found a shaman. 22 Then they began to keep the shaman with them. 23 Their shaman roamed on three paths. 24 Then he stopped at one point. 25 Then he said: "A daughter was born to your children." 26 Then they rejoiced, all of them clapped their hands, they said: "Our children will live together for their whole life." 27 Then the shaman said: "I'm going now to marry your children's daughter." 28 They said: "That will be good, then we will see our children's child as well." 29 Then the shaman travelled with his magic drum to the moon. 30 He arrived on the moon. 31 He said to the Moon: "I came now to marry your daughter, there your fathers and your mothers are calling for your daughter already." 32 At that the moon said: "If they need our daughter, they wouldn't have sent us here; we won't give our child to you. But you will live your life here with me! From now on, the people who live on the Earth will see you here, they can say: the man who travelled up to marry the daughter of the sun and the moon, he is being held captive there." 33 Then they began to live there.