0 Story. 1 Two forest yuraks live on the lake shore. 2 They have about a thousand reindeer. 3 They went downstream along the river. 4 They met two tunguses whose boat was made of birch bark. 5 The younger comrade said: "Stay here! They come from here, shoot them!" 6 - The two tunguses came with their boat made of bark. 7 The older comrade said: "My hands don't want to rise." 8 Then they came closer to the younger comrade. 9 He shot the bark boat with his arrow. They both drowned. 10 - They met two tunguses again. 11 The younger comrade said: "Shoot them!" 12 The elder comrade said: "How could I shoot them, my hands don't want to rise." 13 They also got closer to the younger comrade, he shot the bark boat again, these two drowned as well. 14 They went home. 15 The younger said to his comrade: "Go and guard the reindeer at night!" 16 At night he went to guard the reindeer. He guards the reindeer, about a hundred reindeer. 17 He fell asleep. 18 He heard shouting from the tent. 19 From the lake shore he ran to the foot of the mountain. His sleep faded. 20 There was neither reindeer there nor tent. 21 There were mosquitoes. He built a mosquito fire. 22 He put his bow under his head. 23 Because of the mosquito fire the earth burned, his bow burned. 24 He said: "There is no one here, only my two hands remained. I'll go and find a tent with people living in it." 25 He found some, there were two or three tents. 26 The people captured him, [and] tied him. 27 (They) said: "Let us bring (him) to the father!" 28 They took him to the father, (this) was a white-haired old man. 29 He said: "What kind of captive did you bring here?" 30 They said: "He might be the comrade of the recently slained man." 31 - "Cut off his ears! Eat them! If you don't vomit, you're innocent." 32 He ate the ears, [he] didn't vomit. 33 They brought the bow, dragging [it]. 34 Is this your bow? 35 - "That is not my bow, it is my comrade's bow." 36 - "One of the boys resembles his father. Give him the bow. We don't need (him), he is very stubborn. Capture his reindeer, a hundred reindeer! Go back to your land, do not live in my land!"