0 When the earth was created, there lived three men. They belonged to different tribes. 1 One of them had a son, the other one of them had a daughter, the third man had no one. 2 Then they lived for a while, those kids began to fight with each other all the time. 3 Once the boy killed the girl with the knife. 4 The girl's father became angry, he led that boy in the woods, there he wanted to hang him from one of the tree tops. 5 Then the child said: "Be so good and do not kill me! Just send me somewhere else to live!" 6 Then the man said: "I'm sending you away as Minlei." 7 Then the child said: "Fine, if you send me away so, then if the people living on the Earth get into any misfortune, I save them within a few days." 8 Then that man took two knives, those two knives he stabbed into the child's blade bones. Then he stabbed him in the neck. 9 Then the child flew up as Minlei. Those two knives began to flap as steel wings. 10 Therefore the Minlei is now a fairly big holy bird, he lures people who have killed their comrades. 11 People don't mention him if they don't have a reason for it. 12 Now he always flies during strong snowstorms. His iron wings is the whirlwind. 13 - That was all about this.