0 The ostyak elder lives alone, he lives in the yurt. 1 He has no wife, he has no mother. 2 He only has a horse; he takes the horse to hunt, its back is seven fathoms long. 3 The ostyak elder looks into the smoke hole. 4 He hears the celestial Father God saying: "How is it with the ostyak elder? If a man appears on the Earth, he will kill all wild animals on the Earth." 5 He says then: "Writer, go, go to the Death Spirit Elder! The Death Spirit Elder may devour the ostyak elder!" 6 The ostyak elder listens to this in the den of his fireplace: he went to the Death Spirit Elder. 7 The Death Spirit Elder said: "What do you say?" 8 The writer said: "The celestial Father God said: The Death Spirit Elder may eat now, he may devour the ostyak elder!" 9 The ostyak elder keeps listening. 10 The Death Spirit Elder came. 11 The ostyak elder said: "What are you saying?" 12 I came to visit. 13 The ostyak elder grabbed his tea pot, he made tea. After making tea, they drank. 14 The tea pot ran out (it became empty): The Death Spirit Elder died. 15 The ostyak elder buried him in a hole in the ground, he buried the Death Spirit Elder under the sand. 16 The ostyak elder started hunting again. 17 The ostyak elder looks into the smoke hole. 18 The celestial Father God said: "He has not devoured him. The ostyak elder is still alive." 19 He heard the celestial Father God say: "The Death Spirit Elder may have died somewhere, he's not there, I do not see him. Look for him, he must be brought back to life." 20 They began to look for the Death Spirit Elder. 21 They found him, they found him in the sand pit, he was already dead. 22 They pulled out the Death Spirit Elder, the bones of the Death Spirit Elder had fallen apart. 23 They poured resurrecting water on him, the Death Spirit Elder sat up: "I was only sleeping!" 24 You have not devoured the ostyak elder, he has killed you. 25 But I shall devour him now! 26 The Death Spirit Elder went to the ostyak elder, he has arrived at the ostyak elder's yurt. 27 The ostyak elder turned into a wild duck, he went up to the sky. 28 He found two lakes, he sat down on one of the lakes, there he settled, he sat there for a year. 29 After some time he flew up, he settled in his home. 30 He harnessed his horse, he set off to hunt. 31 He killed two foxes, he stopped (the hunting), came home, sat down. 32 He wrapped around one of the foxes, wrapped it around his neck. 33 He kept the other fox as a hat for himself. 34 He turned into Jawmal, he became Haehe. 35 - That's all. 36 It was over.