1 how the water sprite was talking to the votyak. 2 a votyak walked to a fair. 3 on his way back another votyak joined him. 4 he noticed, that his travel companion's left side was wet. 5 he asked his travel companion: "where do you go?" "i'm going to trade". the companion continues (actually says) : "downriver of the gurja-kar, the veśa-kar an the idna-kar the water sprites are rich; for this reason people doesn't suffocate. 6 but downriver of the town (glasov?) the water sprites are poor; for this reason at least one man suffocates during the water-consecration". 7 the votyak was already afraid of his travel companion and was thinking : "i will attach him to a cross; he is a water sprite!" 8 they walked a bit and arrive to a borderline. 9 the votyak feels the time runs short to attach the cross on the water sprite's neck. 10 the water sprite turns off to the tʼśeptʼśᴉ̑-river and says to the votyak: "there is no fair, where the water- and forest sprites are not attendant. you can recognize a water sprite, that his left side is bit wet; but the forest sprite is higher than the others".