1 A. S.: grandpa Pătap went to Ljamin story [the story of grandpa Pătap's arrival to Ljamin]. 2 P. V.: What happen, when it happened. 3 At the time the arrival their eldest son was small. 4 Their pine was eaten by the fire, their pines have ends, they became so dry trees. 5 From them they started so. 6 To make dwelling houses, reindeer houses-which, all make, all make from dry wood. 7 Thereafter/while they began to keep reindeer, the reindeers all began to dry: no antlers, no fur. 8 A town it became, became. 9 Long they lived or short they lived. 10 Once the ńur [bare, bald] in the pine forest so they came. 11 ńur's arrival into pine forest after their reindeer so convalesce. 12 Reindeer houses they made, unnecessary [more than needed] reindeer houses they made. 13 The excess of the reindeer houses they took to the river. 14 There they lived, they lived long. 15 A. S.: How long did they live? 16 P. V.: How long did they live? 17 From whom you know it, (I) don't know, I didn't live there. 18 Houses, things they built. 19 Yesterday certainly you saw ruins of a big house, the floor of a house [the raised portion of the floor of the house, where they used to sleep]. 20 Since my coming it was a reindeer house, after it was eaten by the fire. 21 They certainly brought up their reindeers, their calves became large oxen. 22 The reindeers became more. 23 I have not much stories. 24 A. S.: why did Pătap iki came here? 25 P. V.: At the K͔ăᴫ́i [dead, dead body] river with grandpa Sårt [pike] (the Khanty name of Kolyvanov Petr Potapovič) after their previous knowledge became an ignorance [they couldn't live together] he came here. 26 After they came here they lived here somewhere. 27 They lived here, Pătap's mother-in-law lived here. 28 You saw this jăwən-woman [Yugan woman]? 29 A. S.: I saw. 30 P. V.: Pilka (Filipp Kolyvanov, Potap's grandchild), he is the grandpa, he became blind and deaf. 31 At the time when Pilka became thirty he became blind and deaf. 32 He was educated by his brother (Pavel Potapovič), we can say, educated. 33 He always kept him by his side. 34 His wife was certainly working (for Pilka), they both lived as reindeer holders [as reindeer shepherds]. 35 They lived at the K͔ăᴫ́i river, therefore the woman sought here, she went to the man. 36 Truly they were living that way. 37 It is said, they lived long [both of them], earlier my husband [literally: my thingy] told this. 38 Well, long, they lived more than twenty years. 39 Maybe (two of them living together) twenty years have passed, or maybe didn't passed. The mother, after she was gone, the jugin woman, which ruins of the house you saw yesterday, (lived) in that house. 40 After this man (Potap Kolyvanov) came to earth, living his last, died [became a bear]. 41 Lo, they lived, lived, how they lived after, they know. 42 I truly don't have much stories. 43 And your old thing [your old, old relative] (grandpa Gennadi Fëdorovič) (lived in what areas)? 44 Our old thing (Gennadi Fëdorovič's grandpa, Pavel Potapovič) maybe always lived here somewhere. 45 Ever since his reindeers maybe grazed there. 46 Truly here (is a) lake. 47 Lo, you saw it on your way to Pim, the long, big lake. 48 In spring they used to fish, in spring they lived there. 49 In summer in turn they go to Ob. 50 They live at the Ob, fishing. 51 Then they come to Ljamin, to the pebble beach. 52 At the pebble beach, there we always lived somehow, I lived here always. 53 At your coming time, yesterday your Russians sought here, to this pine. There certainly is a bit of pine. 54 You came to this house. 55 A. S.: No, any of those things I dont't remember. 56 P. V.: You came, with reindeer, with your mother. 57 We (both) lived here always. 58 Lo, these kind of places around we lived, lived. 59 Our summer houses, the summer houses are ten years old, eleven years old, maybe (they became) twelve years old. 60 From there we went here. 61 We live here about ten years. 62 We lived there (for) seventeen years it became. 63 Here somehow we live this way. 64 A. S.: At the pine-piece [there is a] house. 65 P. V.: (This is our) house, maybe an old reindeer house. Formerly, we lived up there (from the time). 66 We moved to this place. 67 Since a long time we live here. 68 By our old thing [relative] we had been recommended before [his] getting anywhere [before his death], to come to this earth. 69 Our reindeers became sick. 70 The deafs (two of them) lived here. 71 After the deafs' leaving we came here. 72 Now our life became sixteen years. 73 Lo, such like this somehow we live. 74 Lo, such like that somehow we became. 75 S. S.: And your old thing [relative] at this rocky shore, next to the river how many houses he made? 76 P. V.: To this place (he made/built) a big house. Now at this house's floor the pines became high [the house were already ruined, the pines out of the floor high]. 77 This is their house built [made] together. 78 Their house built together with grandpa Pătap's father. 79 With his (Potap's) father, built together with the (his) father's son (Pilka). 80 A. S.: Such ramshackle houses, when we come here, at the right side. 81 P. V.: That houses, now maybe only little pieces of wood are left. 82 A. S.: And this two-room house [having two room]? 83 P. V.: I'm talking about this house. 84 A. S.:This house is called by the Russians the Russian house. 85 P. V.: Traders made this [a house made by traders]. 86 (By) the trader's workers made house. 87 A. S.: They lived for a long time in this house? 88 P. V.: They didn't live for a long time, and they left. 89 Somehow they all lived there with their big brothers-(with their) people. 90 Their house made together with their mothers-(with their) people. 91 A. S.: And this Russian don't believe me, certainly on the top-on the side the boards-things stand out. 92 P. V.: And that making, made. 93 So (this is) the house made by the worker, their house made together. 94 A. S.: The top of the house were good for a long time? 95 P. V.: At the time I came here not, tattered, it's remembered, at that time there were no beam, no board. 96 It was a house with plastered stove. 97 A. S.: On this side I also saw the remains of a house. 98 P. V.: So here living grandpa (Tajbin Jakov), deaf grandpa's inhabited house, their house (with Ekaterina Pavlovna). 99 From here, he went to their land. 100 After he left, at springtime he died [became a bear]. 101 This is their house inhabited by them. 102 A. S.: At this place, here somewhere lived Tajbin Jakov. 103 P. V.: Of course, I'm talking about this house, he lived there. 104 A. S.: And this summer house, next to the autumn house? 105 P. V.: This is our dwelling house, our house living with people. 106 We lived more then ten years there. 107 In this house we lived together, near here. 108 How old was Ajpəli at this time? 109 When we made this folds, houses-those things, Ajpəli (the girls name) was a red ball [was a baby], that time we moved here. 110 We moved or what, we lived at the Ob after we came here, here we lived more than ten years. 111 There we lived, we lived, now we came again to this land. 112 A. S.: And did you have a house at the pebbly beach? 113 P. V.: At the pebbly beach since a long time we always had a dwelling house (for the Kolyvanovs). 114 The new house, at my coming time, was build. 115 Quite simply you can say, this is the residence of the nation since their grandpa's life. 116 Always their residence, they always lived here. 117 After his leaving him behind by us [by both of us] lo, it was rebuild by the Russians, they made houses. 118 A. S.: A Russian house is standing there. 119 The Russians go there for fishing? 120 P. V.: No. 121 What on Earth, who would live this way? 122 They arrived from Salavata, they lived from chopping wood. 123 They came to this land first, stone road (at the making time). 124 Our moving year they came here. 125 A. S.: And at this long mountains-others, at this some kind of land you did not have a house? 126 P. V.: We didn't, at this time we didn't live. 127 A. S.: And at the upper reaches of the Ljamin (did you have a house)? 128 P. V.: Not at the upper reaches. 129 We went for fishing. 130 At the time of our going, living there, trawling-others. 131 A. S.: And at some holy places, next to the părne [witch, Malicious woman]-mountain (have you been)? 132 Did you visit the Holy City? 133 P. V.: We go always, we go all the time. 134 Arriving there we sacrificed-and others, at the gain time [when we gained something]. 135 In the old days what special valuable things we could have buy? 136 So we (both) went to Gornyj a long time ago always for petrol, at the time of our living there. 137 A. S.: Do you remember the land ridge before the Gornyj, don't you? 138 P. V.: Not at all, when I was about pulling on the land ridge [he wasn't pulling there the boat on the land] 139 A. S.: When I was small I pulled it there, I can remember some places. 140 At the time when I [we] went with my father to school in ljamin. 141 Remember, I can't remember any of those places. 142 At one place, my unfortunate thing [deceased relative] told, at the right hill there were sharpening stones. 143 P. V.: I don't know any of these kinds of places. 144 A. S.: There if sharpening stones are wanted, is found in there. 145 When we went, with my unfortunate thing [deceased relative] we found sharpening stones, maybe on one of the hills, I was small, and I didn't look at the ground/place well. 146 A. S.: And the incessantly trawling Russian or Khanty, where is their sandy beach? 147 P. V.: They trawled at the long hill. 148 A. S.: I remember [in my memory] the Nikiforovs (Kajukov Nikifor Pavlovič), all the Khanty people lived by trawling. 149 They lived there or somewhere else, I don't know. 150 P. V.: At the lower half of the land uri (they lived). 151 They live at the mouth and surroundings of the river wirs, there they walk around by trawling. 152 At this places a long time ago many Khanty used to live. 153 Somewhere else Nenets-or something, all lived next to the Ljamin by trawling. 154 Now you can say [it is told], they used to say [it used to be told], to the top Sarajəŋ-grad they went by trawling. 155 A. S.: Do all of this sandy beaches have places for trawling? 156 P. V.: Some places, all of them has places for trawling. 157 So we went often on this places by pulling. 158 At the stream we rested [we were rested]. 159 A. S.: Lo, back then we were living like this. 160 It is told, at this places somewhere a ship divided. 161 You don't know this story? 162 P. V.: I don't know this story. 163 I don't know, it is told by the elderly, why this ship could by tumbled like this. 164 A. S.: Perhaps it was tumbled by some idol spirit. 165 P. V.: Well, they knew the same. 166 By an idol spirit, who else. 167 Fëdor Gennad'evič: It can be said as a tale. 168 A. S.: Certainly tale. 169 P. V.: Well yes, how do I know [how should I know], this old nation I didn't know. 170 A. S.: A tale from the săstəŋ mountain. 171 P. V.: Certainly, it was interpreted like this a long-long time ago, maybe it is remembered. 172 Furthermore how can I [should I] tell more stories. 173 At wartime somehow it was tumbled. 174 A. S.: The idol spirits slashed at each other. 175 P. V.: Maybe it is assumed, that they slashed at each other. 176 A. S.: You lived there (at that place), didn't you? 177 P. V.: I didn't, perhaps we only traveled arround. 178 We were at the landward side. 179 At the outer side there is this kind of ravine. 180 A. S.: if some big ship lying supine. 181 A high mountain, much bigger than any other hill, like a ship. 182 It is told, it was interpreted by idol spirits. 183 A. S.: Tell me from the beginning, what place you were born? 184 Tell me your life! 185 P. V.: I was born in Sortym, we lived next to the Jăwən [river]-lake. 186 At my some kind of growing-up time, I got three or four years old [at that time], we came to the Watʼ [narrow]-creek. 187 At the Watʼ [narrow]-creek we lived-we lived, from there/after that we were going by boats to the store, making the Pim town. 188 Blockhouses were made, to school there, lo, I was admitted in Pim. 189 From the school he was took to this land, lo, here somehow we lived [tried to live]. 190 At the Ob, we lived on other places. 191 At summer on the Ob, at winter we lived here by fishing. 192 A. S.: And how do you bring your fish down here? 193 P. V.: (The fish) it was caught up here, our parents had reindeers. 194 At river side there are two lakes, sometimes a plain arrived. 195 The fish was supplied, it was taken from there. 196 Other times a helicopter arrives to this side of the lake. 197 You just were next to the chimney, from here they took (the fish) by helicopter. 198 We had a really bad life, we didn't have reindeers. 199 A. S.: And how did you become reindeer holders? 200 P. V.: Reindeers? 201 Lo, we became reindeer holders at the youngest woman's age [lo, we started to hold]. 202 At beginning we had six reindeers at this place. 203 By the time making this fold, this poor little house standing here, the summer house, we lived eleven years here. 204 Then to the upper flow, there we went. 205 Now this is our residence Vasja became elderly, lo, we became reindeer holder, life became easier. 206 At this time I had many relatives, now they all died, I am left alone. 207 There is no more to tell. 208 A. S.: And your relative, who lived next to you, worked in the kolkhoz, what happened to him? 209 P. V.: At the beginning they certainly worked in the kolkhoz. 210 Thereafter, it is told, what kind of, to what place, he came in a fish processing. 211 Of course he worked always there, at the Ob he always worked. 212 A. S.: And you all always went to the Ob? 213 P. V.: We all; at that time reindeer we didn't come, when it became frosty (the whether), in september we lived in a hut. 214 A. S.: And (with) the [Russian] tent(s), other things gave by [you got] didn't you? 215 P. V.: Not at that time, (we made them of) birch bark, but you already know this thing. 216 A. S.: He made the hut of cooked birch bark. 217 P. V.: Hut of birch bark. 218 If you got this, you own a house, you are placed in a good house. 219 If you didn't get this, then not. 220 At the Лår [river]-town (lived) our thing [child] (Kanterova Ljubov' Gennad'evna), Russians arrived again over here from the north, at that time we lived there, behind the mouth of Ljamin, my that was born. 221 Lo, the Russian came, certainly they appeared from that time, lo, at that time the waterproof skin released. 222 The Russian men with them. 223 At that time we lived with birch bark houses, thereafter that waterproof skin-something lo, they all released. 224 The purchasing man, lo, waterproof tilt he buys, lo, into a good house he came. 225 If they wanted to make a [Khanty] tent, they sew the tilts, lo, they erected the tent. 226 And if they wanted to live in a tent [the wish to live in a tent falls if], they built a tent. 227 At that time we started to live better. 228 When our houses where made from old birch bark, so during big storms all kinds of things went through them. 229 A. S.: And did you have (rubber)boots? 230 Who made boots at that time. 231 A. S.: You walked barefoot? 232 P. V.: Well, in bony footwears [in lether shoes] 233 At that time all people, if he had bony footwear, he lived with them. 234 A. S.: At that time I were small. 235 At that time all women, children lived barefoot. 236 P. V.: Now the boots have a hole, (children) say: - My boots have a hole, (have to) buy boots! 237 A. S.: At that time what kind of things? 238 P. V.: What things! 239 If they saw things for making [if they knew about things for making], the things were purchase, at that time they lived really bad. 240 They lived bad, or/maybe old people's life/lifestyles.